Chicago & North Western Historical Society Annual Meet-up

CNWHS Archives 7000 Olson Rd, Union, IL, United States

Join us at the fabulous new archives building in Union Illinois, on the grounds of the Illinois Railway Museum. The planners are still doing their work, but it is sure to be a great event as we tour the new archives building and hear some interesting talks. Registration information will be available closer to the...


I am not available due to a prior commitment.

Elysian Fourth of July Town Celebration

Elysian Celebration 120 E Main St, Elysian, MN, United States

The town is festooned with vendors up and down Main Street. The day begins with a pancake breakfast, too.  I'll have a table set up, offering copies of both books for sale. Always a lot of fun. This is the tail-end of a week of festivities.

Author Weekend: LIW Pageant in De Smet

De Smet South Dakota , United States

On the Page and Stage: Writing Laura's History South Dakota Authors Spotlight Weekend July 12, 13, 14, De Smet, South Dakota Friday, July 12 De Smet Public Library, 102 1st St SW 3:30pm I will be leading a poetry workshop! It will be more fun than it sounds, I promise. There is a form of...